Astokomii Smith is 21 years old, from the Siksika First Nation. Her Blackfoot name means “Calling Thunder.” She is currently the Indigenous Liaison for the Town of Strathmore, where she helps build bridges and break down the barriers between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples. Astokomii was the 2019 Calgary Stampede First Nations Princess, and she used her platform to raise awareness for mental health, specifically anxiety. From being scared to speak in front of a classroom to speaking in front of 30,000 people during the Grand Stand Show, she is showing others that it is okay to have difficult feelings, mental health issues are not a weakness, and that she is happy to share her coping mechanisms.
10 AM PST March 10, 2021
Join us for this peer-learning session in which Indigenous youth will learn directly from each other in a small sharing circle. This is a safe learning and sharing space. If you know an Indigenous youth who could benefit from this experience, please send them a note with encouragement.
Please register using this link:
Recommended reading:
Preparing Our Home in Siksika Nation:
Meet your instructor: