Participatory asset mapping with photography – Photo Credit Timur Reynolds
This page is regularly updated with examples from the Preparing our Home program and external links and resources. If you have a resource that you would like to share please Contact Us.
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Planning Tools:
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The Preparing Our Home Program makes no guarantee of the veracity or appropriateness of any tools and resource content on the Website. The Visitor acknowledges that the Preparing Our Home Program assumes no responsibility for oversight or monitoring of externally supplied content that appears on the Website. The Preparing Our Home Program makes no warranty that the site will meet a Visitor’s individual needs, or that service will be timely, uninterrupted, secure or error-free. The Visitor understands that any information or data downloaded through the Website is done at the Visitor’s sole risk, and that the Visitor will be responsible for any damage or loss of data that may occur due to information or data obtained through the Website. The Preparing Our Home Program expressly disclaims all liability to any person in respect to anything done or omitted to be done wholly or partly in reliance upon the contents of the Website. Preparing Our Home Program employees, members of the Board or other individuals related to the Preparing Our Home Program, may participate in the discussions that take place on the Website. Any content posted by such persons is not added in any official capacity, and the views expressed do not represent official positions of the Preparing Our Home Program.